An exceptional Persian runner rug, handwoven in the 1940s. A dynamic design comprised of three central medallions with floral and animal motifs. The wool is dyed in a striking palette of bright reds and oranges, with details in blues, beiges,...
This Danish rya rug is comprised of thick pile wool in a palette of dark blue, orange, and white. The design is a bold composition of geometric shapes and florals.Dimensions:5' 9" x 3' (69 in. x 36 in. )Condition notes:In...
A vintage Kurdish area rug with a rich palette of blues, yellows, and reds that are beautifully arranged into medallion motifs and geometric bands. The center field is a dark navy blue with two parallel rows of medallions and buta...
1930s Handwoven Chinese Deco rug with a vibrant palette of greens, purples, and blues arranged in a design of florals and vines set against a bronze olive field.Dimensions:6'9" x 4' (81 in. x 48 in.)Condition notes:In good condition with general...
Woven in the Early 20th Century, this Persian Heriz rug is designed with a classic central medallion framed by a series of densely patterned borders. Floral and vine motifs compose the patterns in a brilliant palette of blues, reds, greens,...
Hand-knotted in the 1940s, this Oushak rug has a solid off-white hue. It has a beautiful, soft pile with a subtle sheen akin to mohair. Dimensions:7' 10" x 5' 6" (94 in. x 66 in. ) Condition notes:In good condition,...
20th Century Tuareg woven rug made of leather and reed. The design consists of diamond and linear patterns in an earthy palette of browns, dark reds, black, and straw yellow. Dimensions:132 in. x 88 in. (11' x 7' 4")Condition:In good...
This vintage Turkish rug was hand-knotted in the 1940s. It is beautifully patterned with two rows of interlinked red medallions in central black field. A series of borders with geometric motifs frame the center, repeating the same black, red, and...